Youth and addiction

NAUMAN ATIF .| Read this article in MALTESE

Addiction is the condition or compulsive need for a particular substance or activity. Examples include addiction of smoking, alcohol, drugs, a certain food, and online activity; addiction is just anything in excessive amounts. Addiction is like a parasitic association. The longer you keep taking it the harder it is to remove it. The excess of everything is bad, this even includes water and food an essential source for living, is also deadly in excess. Having a balance between works and studying, different activities, and having some free time is also essential. Even balancing foods with having a daily intake of dairies, fruits and vegetables, protein, fats and sugars, oils, and carbohydrates are also important.

In these times the most dangerous addictions are the excessive usage of alcohol, drugs and screen time. Governments are spending big amounts of money in tackling drug misuse, fighting the war on drugs and other ruinous addictions. But, worryingly, the number of people turning to drugs and addictions is dramatically rising.

A way for numerous diseases

There are huge problems with the consumption of alcohol, drugs and smoking cigarettes. It ruins the way one thinks, makes way for numerous cancers, diseases and weakens the immune system. The tar that is inhaled into the lungs remains there for numerous years before being removed. Imagine the damage smoking would do.

To avoid falling into addiction, it is important to be resistant early on. Vanity disguised as entertainment can quickly turn into a serious problem, affecting behaviour, health and one’s social and economic well-being. Addiction leads to an aversion towards the more important matters of life.

Man is lacking trust and faith in God and when there is no trust in God then man tries to find relaxation through these addictions. Unfortunately, the reality is that, even in these addictions, man does not find either solace or satisfaction.

Good works drive away the evil ones

God has taught us a beautiful way to remove bad habits and help addicts, that, “good works drive away the evil ones,” (Holy Quran, 11:115). This means that if a person desires to get rid of an evil habit, he should begin to practice a corresponding virtue. In this way, he will soon get rid of his evil habit. This principle is very profound as it counters evil with good.

One should spend time in praying, remembering God, The Creator and doing good to fellow human beings. One should try to spend time on good, virtuous deeds rather than evil ones. One should not stay without something to do as Satan starts to fill up the empty space.

The Almighty God says: Aye! It is in the remembrance of Allah that hearts can find comfort. Oh, you the restless society, oh, you the restless world know for certain that true tranquility, true peace of mind is in the remembrance of God and is in the relationship with God.

This is a great and extremely natural truth. The more the people of the world seek the paltry goods of this life, the greater becomes the hunger and the consequent burning of their hearts as opposed to those who seek God, the more they turn to Him, the greater is their peace of mind and God surely helps His believers.

Cultivating a positive change

Mere abstention would not help the purpose. A person who has nothing to do would relapse in his vice many a times unless the nothing is replaced by something valuable, something greater, something more attractive, which cultivates a positive change in a person

Parents have a huge responsibility to guide their young children, their youth, as only through their compassionate preparation and by leading with their own example can the child stay away from addictions.

Nip the evil in the bud

There is a story in accordance to this. There was once a man who had committed many crimes and had exceeded all limits. After he was caught and was about to be hanged for all his crimes, he was asked whether he had a last wish.

He said he wished to meet his mother. When his mother came closer he told her he wanted to say something in her ear. He then bit her ear so hard that she cried loudly in pain.

Hearing all this noise, the guards rushed forward and cursed him: had he no shame? Despite having committed so many crimes, moments before his death he does injury to his own mother.

The criminal replied: “Indeed, today is when I have done a good deed. When I committed petty crimes and people used to complain to my mother, she took my side and, despite knowing the truth, she did not reprimand me. As a result, I became bolder and a big criminal. Had she stopped me from committing minor evils at the time, I would not have become a criminal.”

The moral of this story is that every habit, good or bad, starts with small steps. With the passage of time, it becomes an unbreakable habit and then an addiction.

Solace and satisfaction

Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to always avoid every kind of addiction, live healthy and balanced lives, remain focused on positivity and enjoy every blessing of God bestowed upon us, and surely this will lead us to eternal happiness and success.

About Laiq Ahmed Atif E: Mob: +35679655255
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