High resolve and determination

Read this article in Maltese:

___________ The Holy Quran  ___________

“O ye who believe, seek the help of Allah through steadfastness and Prayer; surely Allah is with the steadfast.” (2.154)

“We will surely try you with somewhat of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and fruits, then give glad tidings to the steadfast.” (2.156)

“O my dear son! Observe Prayer, and enjoin good, and forbid evil, and endure patiently whatever may befall thee. Surely this is of those matters which require firm resolve. That is indeed a matter of high resolve.” (31:18)

“One who endures with fortitude and forgives achieves a matter of high resolve.” (42.44)

“We will surely try you until We make known those from among you who strive in the cause of Allah, and those who are steadfast.” (47.32)

___________ Ahadith ___________

The strong one is not he who knocks out others in wrestling; the strong one is he who keeps control over himself when he is roused. (Bukhari and Muslim, Gardens of the Righteous, p. 16)

Abu Sa’id and Abu Hurairah relate that the Holy Prophet said: Whatever trouble, illness, anxiety, grief, hurt or sorrow afflicts a Muslim, even the pricking of a thorn, but Allah removes in its stead some of his defaults. (Bukhari and Muslim, Gardens of the Righteous, p. 14)

Usamah ibn Zaid, loved by the Holy Prophet and the son of one loved by him, relates that a daughter of the Holy Prophet sent word to him that her son was at his last breath and begged to go to her. He sent his salutation to her with the message: To Allah belongs that which He bestowed and to Him belongs that which he takes. Everything has its term fixed by Him. Let her be steadfast, therefore, and hope for His grace and mercy. She sent back word to him begging him for the sake of Allah to go to her. He stood up and proceeded to her accompanied by Sa’ad ibn Ubadah, Mu’az ibn Jabal, Ubayy ibn Ka’ab, Zaid ibn Thabit and others. When he arrived the child was presented to him and he took it in his lap. Observing its distress his tears began to run, whereupon Sa’ad said: Messenger of Allah, what is this? He made answer: This is compassion which Allah has placed in the hearts of His servants (and one version has it: in the hearts of such of His servants as He has willed) and Allah has compassion on such of His servants as are compassionate. (Bukhari and Muslim, Gardens of the Righteous, p. 12)

About Laiq Ahmed Atif

www.ahmadiyya.mt E: amjmalta@gmail.com Mob: +35679655255 twitter.com/ahmadiyyamalta www.facebook.com/ahmadiyyamalta www.youtube.com/user/AhmadiyyaMalta
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