Truthfulness —A path to purity

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Truthfulness is a quality that is universally endorsed and largely promoted. However, it is also a reality that after understanding the profound importance of always telling the truth, yet wherever the opportunity arises, falsity is used for personal gain. In the modern technological era, social media is also being used to spread the falsehood and fake news.

However, we must understand that truthfulness is the corner stone of every social, religious and spiritual development; and reformation is not possible without truthfulness.

It is narrated that, once a person who had many weaknesses and vices came to the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him, and asked him which one evil he should abstain from to reform himself, as he did not think it possible for him to leave all his vices. In reply, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa instructed him that he should abandon falsehood and always speak the truth.

The individual was pleased by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa response and thought it would be easy for him to stop lying whilst continuing with his other vices, however, it later inspired that whenever he thought of doing something immoral or sinful, he stopped himself and thought that if he were caught, he would have no choice but to admit his offence because of the pledge he had made to the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.

As a result, overtime he became free of all the evils and vices he was previously affected with. He could easily have continued to lie, however, once he had made a pledge to the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, he was determined and committed to fulfilling it and eventually joined the ranks of the righteous and reached the proper standard of a believer.

Just with leaving falsehood he was able to transform himself and got rid of all the bad habits and evils.

In the Holy Quran, Allah reminds us to become righteous and truthful at many different occasions. Allah tells us that those who exhort each other with truthfulness and steadfastness, which are interdependent and the foundations of good character, are securing a happy, contented, prosperous and progressive life. (Holy Quran: 103)

Moreover, Allah has sent Prophets to different nations to remind them to acquire the straight path and become closer to Allah. This path is always founded upon the principals of truthfulness and has been the fundamental message of all Prophets and divine books. The Holy Quran also guides us to become righteous and follow the straight and the truthful path; and a person cannot become upright unless he is truthful (4:70). The easiest course towards Taqwa (righteousness and piety) is to follow the path of truthfulness.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him, always upheld truthfulness firmly, and he was known as al-Sadiq (the truthful) and al-Amin (the trustworthy). Once he gathered his clan and his people at the foot of a small mount and said, ‘If I tell you that a big army is in wait for you behind this hill, would you believe me?’ Even though it was evident that a large army cannot hide behind that small hill, it was impossible that there was an army and they haven’t seen it or have noticed, they all said unanimously, ‘Yes, because you have always spoken the truth.’ So, this is the power of the truth that it truly attracts sane souls and hearts.

The biggest element of evil is falsehood

In brief, the first and foremost important point is to adopt the habit of truth. The biggest element of evil which is spread in the world today is falsehood. In national and international relationships we see ambiguous policies instead of firmly upholding the value of truthfulness.

Therefore, it is very important that we educate our children to hold firmly on truth from their early childhood and never tell lie at any cost.

It is a fact that those nations which resort to lies always remain weak and they do not have the strength to bear high moral values. No high value project can ever be built without a truthful foundation. Truth is a priceless and one of the highest human values. Truth is a reflection of the high morals and character of a person. Therefore, we should always stick to the truth and never resort to lies, whatsoever. Undoubtedly, truth has an immense power, force and attraction.

About Laiq Ahmed Atif E: Mob: +35679655255
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