Tag Archives: Materialism

Guiding our youth beyond materialism

It is important to guide our youth beyond materialism towards true contentment, while preparing them to handle both success and failure. Education should be sought to enrich oneself with knowledge, understanding, high moral values and a realistic perspective on life. … Continue reading

Posted in Ahmadiyya Malta, Ahmadiyya: The True Islam, www.Ahmadiyya.mt | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Race for Money

IL-KILBA GĦALL-FLUS Il-karattru tal-bniedem huwa dak li jgħodd, inkella, anki d-dell huwa ogħla minn bniedem. Għalhekk, m’għandniex inkunu kompletament maħkuma mill-konsumiżmu u l-materjaliżmu, u nwarrbu l-għira u r-regħba għalkollox minn ħajjitna. Ejjew ħa nikkultivaw sentimenti ta’ mħabba, insiru ġenerużi u … Continue reading

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Turning to God instead of materialism

Times Of Malta | Laiq Ahmed Atif Peaceful and harmonious coexistence of human beings in this multidimensional world are undoubtedly the core wish of every sane person. This has become increasingly important with the current global situation becoming more and … Continue reading

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Materialism or the Eternal Life?

Materjaliżmu jew ħajja eterna? Imam Laiq Ahmed Atif | President Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta | amjmalta@gmail.com | Il-Leħen 27 ta’ Ġunju 2021 Iż-żieda fil-materjaliżmu biegħdet lill-umanità mill-valuri morali, mir-reliġjon u minn Alla. Id-dinja hija assorbita wisq fil-materjaliżmu, kemm fil-Lvant kif … Continue reading

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